Sunday, September 30, 2007

New high chair!

And being the overzealous parents we are, we had to choose a high chair with all the bells and whistles. 7 height adjustments. 3 reclining positions. And battery-operated playthings all attached.

Yes, it's not just a high chair! It's an activity center! Which stokes me because I've been *trying* to figure out how to put things within her reach while at the same time getting her to practice sitting up. She has short arms, people. And I need to continue to encourage her to reach for things. She's starting to get pretty good at it though so yay!


Sister Kristin October 1, 2007 at 8:01 AM  

We have that same high chair! My sister got it for us and was very funny about it. She bitched about the pack n' play first, saying that she was going to get us that but it was "so damn ugly" (we got a brown one - sue me) that she just couldn't bring herself to get it. So she got the high chair, despite the fact that she thinks that the toys (get this) "encourage feeding time shenanigans". (This was said with a very fake prissiness, by the way). I almost busted a gut laughing and can hardly wait for the shenanigans to commence!

Jeannie October 1, 2007 at 12:26 PM  

Our pack n play is brown too! With a green plaid pattern. The swing matches it. Get this, the high chair matches her bouncy activity center (as opposed to her bouncy chair which is Itsy Bitsy Spider). Talk about coordination. lol Feeding time shenanigans!

About Me

I'm originally from the west coast, but now live in the midwest with my husband Kipp, our two dogs, my stepdaughter and stepson, and our youngest daughter who has Down syndrome.

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