Friday, October 2, 2009

Gluten Free in Public

So I found this resource on the web while looking for gluten free snacks for Kiki, and was thrilled. First, because of the format: I can print it out and give it to her daycare provider and preschool. Yay! Both have already expressed great interest in it, and yes, I know preschool is a year away but still. She requested I give her about a year to get some gluten-free school supplies in preparation. Woot!

Second, Reese's Peanut Butter cups are gluten free! Reese's! Peanut! Butter! Cups! Both Kiki and I are thrilled to pieces.

So if you or someone you love has Celiac disease, go here and have a whole list of horrible for you snack foods you can enjoy like every other junk food junkie!


Michelle October 10, 2009 at 6:51 PM  

Thank you for this list! I don't think I've come across this one before...bookmarking it now :)

About Me

I'm originally from the west coast, but now live in the midwest with my husband Kipp, our two dogs, my stepdaughter and stepson, and our youngest daughter who has Down syndrome.

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